Friday 6 January 2017


The last days of 2016 were days of great reflections for me, I did serious assessment of how the year went and also check out what my character level was, reflecting on many major decisions I made and also thought of ways to really improve myself, dreams and visions.
Well, this isn’t the topic for today but that exercise helped me redefine purpose, helped me reset my priorities and geared me to make conscious efforts in becoming a better person. It’s not too late to take that exercise too. You will be amazed by the positive outcome this would give.

On one of those last days, I was trekking through Iwo Road Area of Ibadan (A popular and very busy Area in Ibadan) when I saw a pickpocket picking valuable items from a young man’s back bag. I was carrying the same kind of bag so this sparked up the reaction to check if my bag hasn’t been picked too. I was relieved when I discovered mine wasn’t but the young man was still being followed and items are still being picked from his bag. I really felt bad for him but what could I do? If I dare create a scene there I might be implicated because I know that those pickpockets are like gangsters in that area I wouldn’t like to act foolish so I just overlooked.
When I got home I felt really bad because I could imagine how the young man would feel discovering his things are gone. It really inspired me to write this few lines.

At points where you see evil propagated and look away scared of what the aftermath could be, you are becoming evil.
At points where you see no joy in doing good, you are losing your soul.
At points where you expect to get help always without being of help to others you are becoming lazy (Hmmm, MMM)
At points where you think you have arrived and you feel there is no room for improvement, you are dying
At points where we are comfortable with a bad situation thirsting for change no more, you are becoming a loser.
At points where you have nothing left but yourself, you are restarting in a new phase

These points in life have their peculiarities and define personalities but actions and reactions determine the points we find ourselves.
Also I strongly believe everyone relate to these points in life that’s why I wrote the outcomes in continuous forms, there is still room for change.
And if we always think of what our actions will result into our world will become a better place.


2017 will bring good fortunes to us all and our life will attract greatness but we should also be conscious what we do to others. Things come around too!

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